...before fishing is back up to what it was. It was good, too. Royal trudes and craneflies were taking fish everywhere. In my backyard, too...whenever I have wanted, it has just been a matter of walking 75 yards out back to the trout stream. Trout line up below a riffle and where my coldwater spring enters. Otis and I have been stalking them along the banks for great fun. My trips to other streams have also been fun...it has been a good year.
But, now the rains have come...both the nearby towns of Viola and Readstown are being evacuated and we have many friends who are trapped at home because of high water, including our 16 year old son at a friends house in Lafarge. JB and I tried to drive along the Kickapoo yesterday after 6 inches of rain fell. Halfway the river has half a mile wide and moving down into Viola...expected in two hours as the town shut off water and sewer in preparation. In town the river was still in its banks but rising fast. I watched the trout stream I had been fishing in my backyard rise two feet as I took these photos. The first of some of the last good fishing and the rest of the creek rising. Fishing will be good again...soon, as we expect a week of dry and cooler temps. New gravel and new runs and pools will still hold trout and I expect a good year class. Like the many 8-10 inch trout in most of the streams from our last flood. I feel for all the hardships...I have carried my children out of our house in a Viola flood. And, the forcast is for 3 more inches of rain tonight after raining all day. But, locals are old hands at this and I trust for their safety. And, I also look forward to the million dollar face lift these streams are getting...